GA 290-1992 九十年代石膏板面积的隔离围墙的建筑方法
GA 290-1992
行业标准-公共安全 强制性 已作废内容简介
Townhomes, apartments and condominiums are popularchoices of dwellings for the American public. Their uniquedesign demands special methods of construction to providesafe, fire resistance, and acoustical separation betweendwelling units. Gypsum board area separation wall systemshave been specially developed to protect the occupants ofattached and multiple unit residences. These walls alsoprovide lightweight, eff icient, and cost effective assemblies forthe builder. These wall systems have the additionaladvantages of all-weather, stable, sturdy construction, andthey curtail the delays associated with temperature sensitiveand cumbersome masonry materials. The inherent riskassociated with 25-30 feet tall unstable masonry walls iseliminated when gypsum area separation walls are used.
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