TBR 030 Ed.1 卫星地面站和系统( SES ) ,卫星新闻采集( SNG ),移动式地面站( TES ) ,在11-12 / 13-14 GHz的频带上运行
TBR 030 Ed.1
行业标准-铁路运输 强制性 现行内容简介
This TBR specifies those technical requirements under Articles 4.1 to 4.5 of Council Directive 93/97/EEC that apply to satellite earth station equipment that is capable of operation in one or more of the following frequency ranges- - 10,70 to 11,70 GHz (Space - Earth, shared) - 12,50 to 12,75 GHz (Space - Earth, exclusive) - 12,75 to 13,25 GHz (Earth - Space, exclusive) - 13,75 to 14,25 GHz (Earth - Space, exclusive) - 14,25 to 14,50 GHz (Earth - Space, shared) of the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS). These requirements are taken from ETS 300 327. This TBR does not contain the essential requirements under Article 4.6 for interworking via the public.
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