
HB 205 (Set)-2004 职业健康与安全(OHS)风险管理标准全套

HB 205 (Set)-2004 职业健康与安全(OHS)风险管理标准全套

HB 205 (Set)-2004

行业标准-航空 强制性 Withdrawn
收藏 报错



Build an OHS framework that reflects your company’s commitment to maintaining a healthy, injury free environment. OHS Risk Management involves everyone. It requires commitment and leadership from top management to filter organizational priorities through to workers, who are often first to spot potential accidents and any opportunity for improvement. Take advantage of the outstanding value of the OHS Risk Management Set on CD-ROM (This Set is also available in a Hardcopy version or as PDFS). Save when compared to buying each Standard individually! The OHS Risk Management Set includes the following titles: HB 205—2004OHS Risk Management Handbook AS/NZS 4804:2001Occupational health and safety management systems - General guidelines on principles, systems and supporting techniques AS/NZS 4360:2004Risk management HB 436:2004Risk management guidelines companion to AS/NZS 4360:2004




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