
GA 618-2004 建设和验收烟雾屏障

GA 618-2004 建设和验收烟雾屏障

GA 618-2004

行业标准-公共安全 强制性 已作废
收藏 报错


  • 标准名称:建设和验收烟雾屏障
  • 标准号:GA 618-2004
  • 发布日期:2004-01-01
  • 实施日期:2004-01-01
  • 中国标准号:CCS3,
  • 国际标准号:
  • 代替标准:
  • 技术归口:
  • 主管部门:
  • 标准分类:医药卫生消防劳动保护防火技术


The building and fire codesthroughout the United States and Canada are primarilyconcerned with the life safety of building occupants.Most modern residential and commercialbuildings are designed and built to exacting codeprovisions that are observed by architects andbuilders and enforced by building officials. An importantfocus of the codes is on fire-resistive materialsand construction techniques to protect peoplefrom the effects of unwanted fires, but smoke andits related toxic components can also be deadlystalkers. By expanding the use of effective smokebarriers in all types of structures, building officials,architects, contractors, and owners can add an extramargin of safety when they design, construct,maintain, and inspect buildings.




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