
Handbook 3-1985 建筑用英国标准概况,包括实用规程,发展草案及其他出版物

Handbook 3-1985 建筑用英国标准概况,包括实用规程,发展草案及其他出版物

Handbook 3-1985

地方标准- 强制性 已作废
收藏 报错


  • 标准名称:建筑用英国标准概况,包括实用规程,发展草案及其他出版物
  • 标准号:Handbook 3-1985
  • 发布日期:1985
  • 实施日期:1985
  • 中国标准号:
  • 国际标准号:14Q
  • 代替标准:
  • 技术归口:
  • 主管部门:
  • 标准分类:建筑基础标准与通用方法土木工程建设综合


Summaries of about 1500 British Standards publications relating to the construction industry. The majority are intended to give enough information for specifying , ordering and checking deliveries, but not for manufacture or testing. The remainder indicate the scope of publications that may need to be consulted in full.Summaries of about 1500 British Standards publications relating to the construction industry. The majority are intended to give enough information for specifying , ordering and checking deliveries, but not for manufacture or testing. The remainder indicate the scope of publications that may need to be consulted in full.




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