
CB 018-1999 国际指南,最佳业务实践 - 风险管理

CB 018-1999 国际指南,最佳业务实践 - 风险管理

CB 018-1999

行业标准-船舶 强制性 已作废
收藏 报错



This first in a series of International best business guide brings together in one volume both the acclaimed AS/NZS 4360 Risk management Standard and it''s companion handbook HB 142. The Standard provides a generic guide for the establishment and implementation of the risk management process involving the identification, analysis, evaluation, treatment and ongoing monitoring of risks. This Standard may be applied at all stages in the life of an activity, function, project or asset. The maximum benefit is usually obtained by applying the risk management process from the beginning. Often a number of differing studies are carried out at different stages of a project. The Standard may be applied to a very wide range of activities or operations of any public, private or community enterprise, or group. The companion handbook provides a generic framework for managing risk in a business. While it is invaluable for the risk professional, it also provides a valuable reference source for directors, chief executive officers, senior executives, line managers and staff when developing processes, systems and techniques that are appropriate to the functional and organisational context of their corporate body. The approach is entirely consistent with the process set out in AS/NZS 4360-1999. Purchasers who download the product electronically will also have the option to download a FREE copy of Risk management case studies, complied by Arthur Andersen Consulting, together with a FREE risk management software package, enabling users to set up a risk management database which conforms to AS 4360.




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